Foujita, portrait of her father at auction
Foujita (1886-1968) did not come out of nowhere. His father, Tsugakira Fujita, general of the imperial army, a doctor, open to progressive ideas and the West, awakened his son to science, to literature, to the world. He did not oppose his early vocation, bought him colors, and decreed him the painter of the family. At the age of 4, the boy lost his mother - he will keep the memory of her with a cold hand, a white kimono and screen.
Sylvie Buisson describes an astonishing creative process : Foujita immerses herself in the pose, elaborates a preparatory drawing, without repentance. In her absence, the model "is reduced to her soul, to a network of lines of extreme sensitivity, bearers of life". Because, for him, the essence of the model is in the line: "The line is alive. And the interval that settles in the in-between, the emptiness that the lines leave between them, is a constituent element of the line and the work. It is the ma, the aesthetic concept that has always governed Japanese art, to which Foujita never deviates. Wishing to "represent the quality of the most beautiful material there is, that of the human skin", he has instead appropriated a genre, the nude, absent from Japanese painting.
If you own a work of Foujita, our specialists are at your disposal to estimate your drawing, painting or engraving for sale.
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LOT n°38 Tsuhugaru FOUJITA Tsuhugaru FOUJITA (1886-1968) - Portrait du général Fujita- Crayon noir et estompe avec rehauts de crayon blanc sur papier teinté signé et daté au centre à gauche "Portait du père de l'artiste à 77 ans.… Fiche détaillée | | |