Jacques Adnet, rolling table
The raison d'être of decorative art is to set the scene of our life, that is why the essential mission of the designer is to create beauty: the beauty to which every being instinctively aspires without always being able to define it and which he needs to forget the human ugliness and the suffering of effort.
Do you own a piece of furniture from Jacques Adnet that you wish to sell? Our specialized experts will provide you with a free estimate. We participate several times a year in the organization of auctions specialized in decorative arts and we can thus advise you to include your Jacques Adnet furniture in one of them.
Jacques Adnet estimate
LOT n°69 Jacques ADNET Jacques ADNET (1900-1984) - Table roulante A structure de section carrée en métal chromé, plateau supérieur amovible, poignées cylindriques en plexiglas transparent, plateaux à fond de miroir. En l'… Fiche détaillée | | |