Robert Couturier, a museum piece

It is a composition in two parts. This set, Les Arts, here sold, formed a pair with La vie à la campagne (Cat. N°107) . Couturier produced a work that was closer to drawing than to sculpture, initially using a soft, crumbly material that allowed him to draw into the material the form and not sculpt it. The artist chose this type of representation because these two reliefs had to be placed in a site with little light. Nevertheless, Couturier added protruding elements (pebbles and plaster) in certain places; elements that catch the light and introduce a sense of volume into the composition. Inspired by the theme of joie de vivre, Couturier depicts an idyllic life between the Arts and Nature.

LOT n°86

Robert Couturier

Robert COUTURIER (1905-2008)- Les Arts, 1956 Plâtre original provenant de collection particulière Barcelone Pierre- Monogrammé et daté en haut à gauche C56 - Bibliographie : Jianou, 1969, repr.n°75 - Valérie…

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