2 paintings of Claude Vénard from the years 4

Mobilized during the Second World War, he devoted himself, after his demobilization, entirely to his painting and participated, from 1945 to 1963, in numerous salons: salons des Indépendants, des Tuileries, de Mai (of which he was a founding member). From 1953 onwards, he held personal exhibitions in France, in many European countries and in the United States.
Remaining faithful to a post-cubist composition of his pictorial space, he progressively accentuated the chromaticism of his palette up to the crudest tones always used in a rich and unctuous material.

LOT n°22

Claude Venard

Claude VENARD (1913-1999) - Les chevalets, 1943 - Huile sur toile, signée en bas à droite, datée, titrée et contresignée au dos - 27 x 35 cm

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LOT n°23

Claude Venard

Claude VENARD (1913-1999) - La mappemonde, 1945 - Huile sur toile signée en bas à droite, titrée, signée, datée et dédicacé au dos - 24 x 41 cm

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