Bernard Buffet, Saint-Cast

Our June 14 auction features a painting by Bernard Buffet entitled "Environs de Saint-Cast", which marks an era characteristic of the artist.

In 1964, Bernard Buffet acquired "La Vallée", a Belle Époque villa in the seaside village of Saint-Cast, where he spent his childhood vacations. The famous artist moved in and worked there until 1970, spending five years alternating between the Côtes d'Armor and Paris. Saint-Cast le Guildo was of particular importance to him, as playing on the beach from the age of 7 left its mark on his memories. Brittany accompanied Buffet throughout his life, in good times and bad. He remained faithful to this region until his death.

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LOT n°22

Bernard BUFFET

Bernard BUFFET (1928-1999)- Environs de Saint Cast - Huile sur toile - Au dos, le cachet David et Garnier - 54 x 65 cm - Quelques petits manques. Certificat Maurice Garnier en date du 24 juin 1997 Note…

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